Thursday, April 02, 2009

Cebu Cathedral Altar Update

Found on Flickr (see link), here is an image of the new retablo of the Cebu Cathedral. It's not yet finished; there are still some adjustments and polishing to be made, according to the craftsmen who built it. Here is a message from Robert Cruz, also found on Flickr, whose group was responsible for its construction.

We were supposed to install on the 3rd week of April yet. But the pastors requested to have them for the Chrism Mass. It took us six days to put up the structure. So many Masses celebrated daily, we could only work at night. Minutes before the Chrism Mass, we were still working on it. [I'm guessing by Chrism Mass he meant its blessing and dedication]

Thus, up-close you'll still see a lot of finishing work and adjustments yet to be done. The statues, relleve, and many of the carvings didn't make it for this shipment. We still have to clad the post-WWII marble canopy jutting out of the center. Expect the retablos to be ready for the Apr. 28 anniversary.

All components were pre-fabricated in our Laguna workshop. The main body is made of Philippine Mahogany with gold leaf appliques (carvings), internally supported by a steel structure.

The left retablo niches will have St. Valeria (top), the twins Sts. Gervasio and Protacio (left, right), bas relief of the Martyrdom of San Vitale (center).

For the right retablo: St. Joseph (top), St. Anthony (left), St. Vincent Ferrer (right), La Inmaculada (center).

The IHS logo was re-used, while the old Crucifix was decorated with rays.

Harvey, thanks for the compliment. We're also working on a proposal for four stained glass windows at the facade (choir and chapel windows).

By the 3rd week, we will start installing the twelve-bell carillon in the belfry.

Robert Cruz
Vitreartus Liturgical Arts

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